Head's Blog

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Week beginning Monday 19th September 2022 

Another week has vanished in a blink of an eye. The children have been extremely busy with their learning and have achieved so much in just a few weeks. Children have show their 'Remember it Rhino' skills and have been able to recall much of what they have learnt so far this term and have used knowledge from last year brilliantly - it's wonderful to see and hear. KS1 have been absorbed in their Maths (using numicon expertly) and RE (showing great curiosity and respect). KS2 this week have shown their computational thinking skills when debugging algorithms in their computing lessons (really great to hear their logical thinking this week).

Arbor and SeeSaw urgent reminder:
Please do log in to Arbor Parent Portal as soon as possible so that you can complete consents and agreements. It will also be a way for us to communicate with you along side emails. Also this by the end of the day on Monday, we want to share logins and access to SeeSaw where we can share examples of your children's learning. If you have declined use of photos in school or of SeeSaw use (or just not yet signed on Arbor) we will be unable to place your child's work on this platform for you to see. 

Homework and Home learning:
As a well-know supermarket says, 'Every little helps' and helping your child with homework can give them that little extra boast with their learning. In KS1 we ask that you hear your child read at least 3-times-a-week (little and often is the key). Children also have access to numbots (a mental maths game), login details will be stuck into reading diaries. Another useful Maths app for recalling number fact is 0ne-minute Maths from White rose maths: https://whiterosemaths.com/1-minute-maths#download

Free Maths resources for all age groups can also be downloaded from: https://whiterosemaths.com/parent-resources

In KS2 we ask for 3 main things from the children with your support: Read at least 3-times-a-week (please note down/sign their reading record so they can earn rewards); practice times timestables and number facts (TT Rockstars can help here - logins are stuck inside their reading records, and KIRF sheets which were sent home can help too; if your child hasn't brought their KIRF sheet home, please let us know) and spellings (spellings rules for the term have been sent home and weekly spellings learnt will be placed on the class blog; your child's spelling group will be found on the inside of their reading record) 

After school clubs:
After schools clubs (surfing and multi-skills) are well and truly up and running, and the children are loving them. There are still spaces in both clubs, please email Mrs Pengelly if you would like you child to attend these clubs which are Free thanks to sports premium
Garden Competition:
A big well done to the children who entered a gardening show competition. The children made some excellent gardens and we did very well with gaining 1st (Amy), 2nd (Megan) and 3rd (Zenna) places. More examples of the excellent art and creative learning at Blisland. 

Please keep a look out for updates on events which are added to regularly: https://www.blislandprimary.co.uk/Events-Diary

Head Awards: Nyle, Freya, Roxanne, Thomas and Eloise
Star of the week Awards: JJ, Roxanne, Emma and Imogen

Have a great weekend.


Week beginning Monday 12th September 2022 

It has been a wonderful week of learning. The children have jumped straight into their work with wonderful enthusiasm. I have seen KS1 discuss religious themes with curiosity and use knowledge from last year to guide themselves. In KS2, children have been writing poems about spitfires and considering how shape effects strength in DT. 

Roald Dahl Day:
On Tuesday we took part in celebrating the life of children's author, Roald Dahl. The costumes were fantastic and we were very close to having the full set of Charlie and the Chocolate factory characters (if only I had bought the Oompa Loompa suit). Well done everybody.

The passing of Queen Elizabeth II:
We still remain saddened by the passing of Queen Elizabeth and when closed on Monday for the funeral, will reflect on her life serving our country. Mrs Pearce has helped children produce art work to remember her and show gratitude to her service and this will be on show at the church. 

After School Clubs:
After school clubs this term are multi-skills on a Tuesday - Multi-skills is open to children from Reception to Y3; and Surfing on a Wednesday - open to children in KS2. There are still places available for both clubs. Please contact Mrs Pengelly if you would like your child to take part in the clubs mentioned. 

Please do log in to Arbor parent portal as soon as possible so that you can complete consents and agreements. It will also be a way for us to communicate with you along side emails.

Apologies for the double rescheduling; but we we do want as many people to attend as possible and support our efforts to fundraise for the children. The new time for the AGM is Friday 23rd September at 2pm (in the Cabin). I hope to see as many of you there as possible next week.

Phonics Parents meeting:
For our families of our new reception children, we are pleased to confirm that on Tuesday 20th September at 2.30, Mrs Harrison will be hosting a meeting to discuss how reading and phonics is taught. If you're a parent of a child in KS1 and would like an update, please feel free to attend

We have really enjoyed our beginning to the new term and remain focused and committed to ensuring the best for every child in our lovely school. Thank you for continued and greatly valued support. This as always makes such a positive difference to the children.

See you all on Tuesday.


Week Beginning 5th September 2022 

Hello everybody, and a 'Big Welcome Back!' It has been great to see you all the past few mornings and watch how well the children have come back to school. A big well done to our new reception starters who have begun their school career with wonderful enthusiasm and confidence - it was so lovely to see. 

Class Learning:
This term both classes will have a History focused enquiry question with KS1 delving into toys old and new and after 1/2 term, life for children in the Victorian era, while in KS2, children will be looking at WW2 and how the Blitz and the Battle of Britain became significant events which impacted on the course of History. Look on class pages on the website next week for more details about key themes and threads. 

Next week, you will receive a QR code with login information for an app called 'SeeSaw'. This app is an online learning journey where children will be able to share their learning and activities with you at home regularly.

Please login in to Arbor Parent Portal as soon as you can as this is where you will be able to give consent for things such as SeeSaw and photographs; it will also be a way to book in for future consultation evenings and receiving school communications.

After School Clubs:
After school sports clubs this term are KS1 and Reception multi-skills on Tuesdays with Caja Parkes 3pm - 4pm; and KS2 Surf club with Surf's Up company on Wednesdays (4pm - 5.30pm at Polzeath beach) We currently have 4 spaces remaining for this club. Please contact Mrs Pengelly if you would like your child to attend any of these clubs. 

Roald Dahl Day:
On Tuesday 13th September children are invited to take part in celebrated the life of Roald Dahl, who was such an important figure in children's literature. On this Day children may dress in Roald Dahl themed clothing as we take part in some Roald Dahl-based learning and activities.

Finally and Sadly, we express our deep sorrow and sadness after the news of the Queen's (Elizabeth II) death. Children have taken time already to reflect on her passing and have remembered her for the amazing monarch and person she was, and the long-lived service she gave to our country over her 70-year reign. We remembered how excited we were to celebrate her Platinum Jubilee and will continue to remember her fondly. Over this period of national mourning we will reduce activity on social media and with sending out non-urgent communications.

Have a good weekend.

Look out for up and coming events on the events page of the website: https://www.blislandprimary.co.uk/Events-Diary


Week beginning Monday 5th July 2022 

Super Sunny Sports Day

How lucky we have been with the weather this week. It really did at to some wonderful events.

Moor Day:
On Wednesday we visited Minions and the hurlers. The children were guided by a mountain leader and learnt how to map read and navigate. They had a brilliant day out and walked an amazing 5 miles. We were all super impressed as the yomped across the moors. 

Sports day:
What a wonderful afternoon of competition and fun we had on Friday! The children competed so well, with great determination and team spirit. Congratulations to all the children; to the Green Team who won the team work award, and to the Red team who were the sports day winners.

Summer Fair and Duck Race:
Thank you all for supporting our raffle, tombola and duck race (especially our river volunteers). Also a big thank you to our PTA for all of their support. We have raised nearly £500 with all of your support.

Have a wonderful weekend in the sun everyone.


Week beginning 27th June 2022 

Beach, Baking and the Big Toddle!

Another week has gone and now we have entered July and only 3 weeks left. 

Big Toddle:
Well done to our nursery who raised money for charity by going on a sponsored walk and hosting a bake sale. The walked a long way, looked fantastic in their costumes and raised over £350!

Cultural Cooking:
This week, KS2 completed their DT project where they were designing, cooking and evaluating food from Brazil. They made Brigadeiros (Brazilian truffles), Quindim and acai smoothie cereal. All of their recipes worked out brilliantly and they evaluated their products well using good understanding of their senses. 

Beach Day at Daymer Bay:
Key stage 1 and Key stage 2 had a fantastic day (despite the rain) at Daymer Bay beach where they had a day of beach sports and fun. They took part in some super team games (some of which our sports council have added to our playground rota) and had great fun solving orienteering puzzles. We came back soaking wet but full of excitement about our day. 

Sports Day and Summer fair:
Next Friday (Friday 8th July) is sports day and our summer fair. we aim to start at 1.30pm. Following the afternoon of races and athletic events, please stay around for our raffle, tombola's and duck race. 

Have a great weekend and keep your fingers crossed for sunshine next week


Week beginning 13th June 2022 

Marvelous Meadows

What a beautiful end to a fantastic week. The children have been extremely busy as we start our run-in over the next 6-weeks towards the summer holidays; This week I have enjoyed reading their writing, seeing how they tackle Maths problems and their curiosity for the wider curriculum when understanding about plants in science or biomes which make up the Earth. 

Meadow song
Thank you to all the parents for visiting us to celebrate the children's learning about meadows. They were thrilled to share with you their science, poems, letters, watercolour art, glass paintings and, of course, to sing to you. It was a fabulous topic to learn about why meadows are so important and develop many skills and new bits of knowledge along the way. It was wonderful to have so many enjoy the morning, and thank you for supporting the children's meadow plant sale where we made over £70. If you would like to have a walk in a nearby meadow, Cardinham airfield would be more than happy for visitors to pop in and have a wonder around. 

This week the children have started their swimming block and now they are half-way through, it is great to see how much they have remembered and moved on from last year. The swimming instructors have been very complementary about the children's attitude to swimming, behaviour and how well they are doing. Great Job everyone!

Up and coming Dates:
The summer term can often be the busiest in the school year and I am sure that the remaining weeks will fly by with all the scheduled activities, and all the ones which may suddenly appear from nowhere. Below are dates for the events due over the next 5-weeks:

  • 20th June (all week): Swimming at the Dragon Centre (Pick up at 3pm from the leisure Centre)
  • Friday 24th June: Nursery and Reception visit to Newquay Zoo
  • Week beginning 27th June: School photos (This will happen on the sunniest/driest day of this week)
  • Tuesday 28th June: KS1 and KS2 Beach Day at Daymer Bay (Pick up from the green)
  • Wednesday 6th July: KS1 and KS2 Moor adventure day (Minions)
  • Friday 8th July: Sports day, Summer fair and Duck race (Thursday 14th Back up sports day)
  • Friday 15th July: Eden Project workshop for KS1 and KS2 (Coach/bus dependent)

I hope you all manage to enjoy the sun we currently have and see you all on Monday


Week beginning Monday 9th May 2022 

Meadow Song, Sea-side visit and SATs

This week has been a very busy week and seems to have vanished in a blink. The children have been working hard and we have seen some lovely poetry work, investigations in science - planting flowers for a meadow and some wonderful watercolour paintings.

Meadow Song Project:
Both classes are currently undertaking a learning project around meadows: 'How important for the environment they are and what we can do to help'. The children are creating some amazing pieces of art, poems, scientific investigations and song performances all about meadows. We would like to present their work to you parents after half term on the morning of Friday 17th June, just after drop-off at around 9.30am if you can hang around. 

Looe Lifeboat station:
Our Receptions and Nursery were lucky enough to go on a visit to Looe lifeboat station. They had some fantastic weather for their visit and had a fabulous time looking around the lifeboat station: seeing the rescue boats, equipment and understanding how they do their job. 

Y6 End of KS2 Assessments (AKA SATs):
Our Year 6 children this week were involved in end of key stage assessments (SATs). They are the first group for 3-years to do so and did a sterling job. They showed good perseverance, empathy with one-another and did us all proud. They certainly earned their end of week treat to the 'Snail's Pace' Café. A big thank you to our PTA for funding their treat and to the Café for making a big fuss of them and giving the children a delicious ice cream for their walk home on the Camel Trail. 

Blisland Summer Fair:
Blisland will be holding a summer fair (Saturday 25th August) this year after putting it on hold due to Covid-19. The school will aim to run 3 stalls at the fair (Mostly over the morning); if you and or your children can help, that would be great (Please let us know if you can). Also, if you or if you know of anybody who would like to have your own stall at the fair, please let school know so we can put you in contact with the organisers.

Fowey Festival:
On Saturday 14th May, children from our school who finished 1st and second in the Fowey Festival writing competition will go to receive their awards. We are really proud of them and look forward to hearing all about the prizes and day. Furthermore, the festival organisers have kindly opened their festival invitation to our whole school, allowing children and a parent free entry (Ticket normally £12). Details on how to get free entry will be emailed to you.

Stars of the week: Lerryn, Byron, Erin, Emily and Brianna
Head Teacher awards: Alex H-P, Ottillie S, Zenna P, Lola W, Amy I and Emily S

Have a great weekend and enjoy the weather.


Week beginning Monday 25th April 2022 

What a start to the Summer!

It has been a fantastic week at Blisland after returning from the Easter Break. It is always so nice to see happy children walking up our steps to school. They have been amazing as ever, and are producing super work right from the word go. 

Blisland Summer Fete: 
Blisland community will be holding a summer fete in August Bank Holiday. The school will be hosting a few events at the fete and it sounds like it's going to be a fantastic day all round. If you would like your own stall or would be able to help on the day, please do get in touch with us at school so that we can let the event organisers know. 

Kernow King:
On Wednesday the children took part in a fabulous workshop and performance with the amazing Kernow King. They learnt a lot and had such fun along the way. 

Fowey Festival Writing Competition:
A few children within the school entered a writing competition for the 'Fowey Festival'. We are very pleased and proud of the children and are very excited to announce that we had some super success within the competition.  Lerryn C won 2nd place for Non-fiction writing and Megan I won 1st place for Non-fiction writing; in KS2, Erin M was given a special commendation for a poem, Emily S came 2nd for a poem and Byron H came first for his poem. Well done! The 2nd and 1st place winners have been invited to the Festival on Saturday 14th May to receive the prizes from Lauren Child, the author of 'Charlie and Lola'.

Stars of the week:
Thomas H and Mason W
Head Teacher awards: Roxanne C, Ottillie S, Byron H

This weekend is a bank holiday; fingers crossed the sun stays out. We look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 3rd May.


Comic Relief Jokes Raise £36 


Week beginning Monday 28th February  

This week has been a fab week. The children have learnt a lot and have been able to get back to celebrating the key March events of World Book Day and St Piran's Day.

World Book Day.
What a wonderful day this was. The children looked amazing in their costumes and really showed how much they enjoy books. They took part in some great world book day activities, quizzes (Kahoot) and shared a story with each other while eating biscuits and drinking hot chocolate. 

St Piran's Day:
On Friday 4th March, we celebrated St Piran's day. The children wore their black and white colours proudly and took part in some Cornish activities. KS2 led the procession through Bodmin to the Folly where they danced and sang with much gusto. In St Petroc's church, the children performed their 'Tin Stamp' dance to the audience and won much praise and accolades from the organisers. 

Comic Relief:
On Friday the 18th March it is Comic Relief. The school Council has decided to have a non school uniform, with crazy hair day. They would also like each child to bring in a joke for assembly with a prize for the funniest jokes.


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We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

Monday 6th May - BANK HOLIDAY

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